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Genealogy of the Royal Family of Amber

This page features different versions of the Genealogy of the Royal Family of Amber. I attempt to conclude with a version that most closely approximates the genealogy based upon Amber canon. If you can suggest corrections, please email me.


John S. Quarterman is developing a detailed chart of the Amber Genealogy.


Many thanks to Kevin L. Nault who has provided a family chart and it is posted here.


An Amber Timeline I adapted can be found here.


Also a list of the Amber characters in Wiki:




According to "The Complete Amber Sourcebook" by Theodore Krulik



Dworkin Barimen + Unicorn > Oberon



Oberon + Cymnea > Finndo, Osric, Benedict

Oberon + Faiella > Eric, Corwin, Caine, Deirdre

Oberon + Clarissa > Fiona, Bleys

Oberon + Moins > Llewella

Oberon + Clarissa > Brand

Oberon + Dybele > Flora

Oberon + Rilga > Julian, Gérard

Oberon + Harla > Delwin, Sand

Oberon + Paulette > Random, Mirelle

Oberon + Deela the Desacratrix > Dalt

Oberon + Kinta > Coral



Benedict + Lintra the Hellmaid > Dara (older)

Random + Morganthe > Martin

Corwin + Dara (younger) > Merlin

Brand + Jasra > Rinaldo (Lucas Raynard)



According to "The Visual Guide to Amber" by Neil Randall



Dworkin Barimen + Unicorn > Oberon



Oberon + Cymnea > Benedict, Osric, Finndo

Oberon + Faiella > Eric, Corwin, Deirdre

Oberon + Clarissa > Fiona, Bleys, Brand

Oberon + Moins > Llewella

Oberon + Harla > none known

Oberon + Rilga > Caine, Julian, Gérard

Oberon + Dybele > Flora

Oberon + Kinta > Coral

Oberon + Paulette > Random, Mirelle

Oberon + Lora > Delwin, Sand

Oberon + Deela the Desacratrix > Dalt



Benedict + Lintra the Hellmaid > Dara (older)

Random + Morganthe > Martin

Corwin + Dara (younger) > Merlin

Brand + Jasra > Rinaldo (Lucas Raynard)



According to Cal Westray, a balanced interpretation

This is an attempt to build a version based upon Amber canon. The timeline should be adjusted and examples in the books lean to further adjustments.


Using Krulik’s version as a base, except Caine ‘should’ be one of Rilga’s children. Randall’s version doesn’t take into account the actual sequence of births, just the occurrences of Oberon’s mates. Coral should be the ‘youngest’ of the children. Corwin mentions that Benedict is the oldest.

So, I feel that it ‘should’ be as follows:


I invite suggestions on how this interpretation can be adjusted to be more precise, email me.



Dworkin Barimen + Unicorn > Oberon



Oberon + Cymnea > Benedict, Finndo, Osric

Oberon + Faiella > Eric, Corwin

Oberon + Rilga > Caine

Oberon + Faiella > Deirdre

Oberon + Clarissa > Fiona, Bleys

Oberon + Moins > Llewella

Oberon + Clarissa > Brand

Oberon + Dybele > Flora

Oberon + Rilga > Julian, Gérard

Oberon + Harla > Delwin, Sand

Oberon + Paulette > Random, Mirelle

Oberon + Lora > none known

Oberon + Deela the Desacratrix > Dalt

Oberon + Kinta > Coral



Benedict + Lintra the Hellmaid > Dara (older)

Random + Morganthe > Martin

Corwin + Dara (younger) > Merlin

Brand + Jasra > Rinaldo (Lucas Raynard)




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R. Cal Westray, Jr.
Revised: September 18, 2013.

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