I Spy Page
I Spy: I Spy starred Robert Culp as Kelly Robinson and Bill Cosby as Scott Alexander. It ran for 82 episodes from 1965 to 1968 with a special made for TV movie 'I Spy Returns' in 1994. The DVD sets are available for the entire series!
I Spy Music: Space Age Music Maker - Earle Hagen (composer for the I Spy theme and soundtrack; includes ordering information) Sadly, Earle Hagen passed on recently (born July 9, 1919 and died May 26, 2008).
Midi theme version: I Spy Theme (4k) The music you hear when you open this page.
Some CD's with I Spy Theme music: Film Score Monthly - I Spy Soundtrack Television's Greatest Hits Volume 2 (1986) - TeeVee Toons Records The 25th Anniversary Edition TV Classic Themes (1998) - Breakable Records Ultra Lounge Volume 7 - The Crime Scene - Spies, Thighs, and Private Eyes (1996) - Capital Records, Inc. Secret Agent File (1984) - GNP Crescendo Records Fantastic Television!! (1996) - GNP Crescendo Records
Links: The International Spy Museum is now open in Washington D.C. Schedule a visit! The Official I Spy Page. Did I Spy ever Jump the Shark? Give them your opinion and search for other shows! I Spy at TV.com. I Spy Fanfiction Archive by anneinchicago. Includes a fanfiction tale called 'Matchmaker, Matchmaker'. There is also an organized Webring and Yahoo! Group link. I Spy fansite by Jason Manning at ispy65@lycos.com. I Spy Starring Robert Culp and Bill Cosby. Cast and episode listings. I Spy by bennett_trish@hotmail.com. I Spy Tim's TV Showcase. His new site. I Spy episode guide by epguides.com. I Spy S. J. Dibai's house of I SPY. I Spy by TV Museum. I Spy Resource Center. I Spy is currently running on AmericanLife TV Network. Wednesdays at 8:00PM.
Robert Culp: Robert Culp by TV Tome. Robert Culp by Trivia Tribute.
Bill Cosby: Bill Cosby by Celebrity Wonder. Bill Cosby by Delafont.
Earle Hagen: I Spy - Earle Hagen and I Spy.
Chat about I Spy: The Wonderfulness of I Spy Bulletin Board. I Spy Forum by Network54.
Yahoo! Groups:
What guns did they use? Kelly used a Custom Walther P38K Scotty used a Colt Commander
R. Cal Westray, Jr. |