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The Thin Man:

The "Thin Man" starred William Powell as Nick Charles, Myrna Loy as his wife Nora Charles, and their dog Asta. The movies were based upon the Novel written by Dashell Hammett, who created another memorable detective, Sam Spade, in "The Maltese Falcon". The cream of film noir! Please stand by while the pictures are loading.


The Thin Man was adapted as a television program and spawned later programs that became successful as well: "MacMillan and Wife" and "Hart to Hart" were from the 60's.


Quote: After Nick and Nora face down an armed intruder in their apartment one night, they read about it in the morning papers. "I was shot twice in the Tribune," Nick observes. "I read you were shot five times in the tabloids," says Nora. "It's not true," says Nick. "He didn't come anywhere near my tabloids."


Movies that are available on VHS:

"The Thin Man" - 1934

"After the Thin Man" - 1936

"Another Thin Man" - 1939

"Shadow of the Thin Man" - 1941

"The Thin Man Comes Home" - 1944

"Song of the Thin Man" - 1947


The Thin Man in The Thrilling Detective site.

Film Site dot Org: The Thin Man.

Asta's page. He is a Fox Wire Terrier.

Answers dot Com: http://www.answers.com/topic/william-powell.

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thin_Man.

Roger Ebert's review of the Thin Man:



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R. Cal Westray, Jr.
Revised: January 29, 2009.

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