Joanna Lumley
Joanna Lumley: Joanna Lumley Portrayed: Purdey in the 1970s English TV spy series The New Avengers. Born: May 1, 1946 in Srinagar, Kashmir, India.
Actress and writer.
Awards: Lumley's recording of "The Hundred and One Dalmations" was named a notable children's recording of 1984 by the American Library Association. See her list of awards at IMDB!
See the New Avengers Page.
Joanna Lumley in the News:
Purdey (Joanna Lumley) links: Joanna Lumley on imdb.com. Joanna Lumley biography - Avengers Forever by David K. Smith Purdey biography - Avengers Forever by David K. Smith An amusing April Fool's joke: A New Avengers and Dr. Who crossover featuring Purdey - "The Dellon Godhead" at: http://www.stomptokyo.com/movies/dellon-godhead.html. Geometry at: http://www.geometry.net/celebrities/lumley_joanna.php.
From 1960's model to Absolutely Fabulous, from walk-ons to stardom, from high (kicking) adventure (with a wink) as Purdey in The New Avengers to real life adventure in Girl Friday. From Purdey to Patsy, Sapphire & Steel to Up In Town, she's a Class Act!
Avengers Web Discussion Groups: Join the Suburbia Avengers discussion Group at: http://suburbia.com.au/mailman/listinfo/avengers Participate in web discussions on TheAvengers.TV International Forum.
Yahoo! Groups: Avengers_at_Suburbia. Owner is CalWestray. Yahoo! Groups: The_New_Avengers. Owner is bromfieldhall.
Order "The Avengers" and "The New Avengers" on DVD at A&E!
R. Cal Westray, Jr. |