What's New Archive Page Before January 1, 2003 The SITE MAP will show the dates of the last changes. |
November 20, 2002: 1) Added a comedy page to group humor related pages together.
October 31, 2002: 1) Happy Halloween! Added an Avengers Calendar.
October 17, 2002: 1) Added Search page!
September 30, 2002: 1) Added new Avengers Poetry Page. It is a humorous group effort by friends of the Avengers.
September 24, 2002: 1) I built a Spycraft page about the Spycraft d20 RPG. Hopefully it will become a site for characters and resources. Currently it refers to a character I designed for the game, Jack Wylde codename: Tarquin.
September 19, 2002: 1) Added new Avengers tale. It is a humorous group effort by members of the Suburbia Avengers Group. Look for it in Avengers Writings. It is being constantly updated.
September 16, 2002: 1) Added more links in Avengers Links and Media Links pages. 2) Added images on the main page for our European allies. Flag now links to the White House Department of Homeland Security.
September 04, 2002: 1) Added more links in the Amber and Avengers pages.
August 14, 2002: 1) Added more detail to the John Fulgam Wester Genealogy page, many thanks to Michael Francis and Annette O'Connor! 2) Added more detail to the John Fulgam Wester Genealogy page, many thanks to Bruce Davies! 3) Added more cool links to Firesign Theatre and I Spy.
August 06, 2002: 1) Added more links to the Avengers links and other Avengers pages, the Prisoner page, and to the I Spy pages. 2) Added a lot more detail to the William Wester Genealogy page, many thanks to JoLisa Karen Hoover! 3) Added a page about humorous Bumper Stickers. It is available in the iseries/400 page and the Media Links page along with other humor pages.
July 30, 2002: 1) Added new I Spy page. It has a few links so far. I hope more will be added soon. 2) Included link from main page to new International Spy Museum. 3) Added picture of myself for amusement (see above link). 4) Added images in the Westray pages.
July 16, 2002: 1) Added new links on the various links pages. And assorted cleanups.
May 28, 2002: 1) Modified the images on the index page. Added some new links and labeled links that are currently broken.
May 3, 2002: 1) New Wester chart for William Wester.
April 30, 2002: 1) A new Avengers (or at least espionage) related Role Playing Game is now out 'Spycraft'! It just came out in March 2002 and it is based upon the espionage genre and people are already looking into campaign material based upon The Avengers and other spy series. If you are a gamer or are looking for research material, check it out! I added links in my Avengers Links page and Amber Links page.
April 11, 2002: 1) Corrected one of Steed's tales. Chapter 2 of 'Dressed to Kill' was a duplicate of Chapter 1. Sadly, I just noticed this. The zipped stories were fortunately correct. 2) Wrote a new Avengers fan fiction short story, called 'Forgiven but not Forgotten'. I also included the story in a zip file in text format, to find them - visit my Avengers writings page. 3) Massive updates to Benjamin Simon Wester chart. 4) Added an MP3 of Arnold Pennington, called Undercover. It can be found in my Avengers Music page.
March 20, 2002: 1) Added a Westray.org icon: westray.ico. Book-marking to my main pages will attach the icon to your favorites. Cool! 2) Modifying the Samuel Westray chart with information from the "Battle Book" - provided by Jack C. Battle. Thank you again, Jack!
March 12, 2002: 1) Added new Westray charts! This is an ongoing process, I make changes daily. 2) Made many changes to the other charts and reorganized the Miscellaneous charts (unmatched so far). Some have been and others may be moved into their own charts soon! 3) Added new Clock page. It is a fascinating moving clock written in Java Script. The author is unknown. Once I locate the author, I will credit them with the work.
February 20, 2002: 1) Added more Avengers Links! 2) Resized some of Sheridan's pictures to fit the pages of browsers that don't resize. 3) Added a silly TV Banner to display the Avengers Logos. 4) I upgraded my Tripod account in order to handle more disk space. Currently at 44.8 MG of space! I can now add up to 75 MG! And more importantly, to remove all the adds from each page. Wow!
February 1, 2002: 1) Added my new award: Westray.org was chosen by the International Association of Webmasters and Designers to bear the "2002-2003 Golden Web Award"! "Wow! What a month this has been. First I win the "Good Stuff Award" from Amber Diceless, and now this! Where do I begin? I want to thank: Tripod for hosting my site, ABX Air, Inc. (where I work) for allowing me to work with the web, Invidia Graphics for the lovely graphics I use, the wonderful people who visit my site, and the people who evaluate sites for these types of awards. And most of all, I want to thank my family and friends who put up with with all this web stuff. Thank you!" Now, I just have to come up with the fee to become a Professional member of the I.A.W.M.D. Well, maybe later... 2) New pictures of Sheridan at one year old with her mother Sarah. 3) Updated Westray charts with data provided by visiting family members. Thanks to all! Keep up the great work helping me keep things current and accurate. Many thanks to Amanda Lamon for the Lamon family updates!
January 10, 2002: 1) Applied changes to some genealogy charts. 2) Modified the Amber page and put the Ambercon 2001 information into a separate page. I will miss Ambercon 2002, so I resolve to work on the journals I didn't complete from 2001. OK, I will try! 3) Renamed all the AS/400 references to iSeries to match the new naming nomenclature that IBM is switching to.
January 2, 2002: 1) Happy New Year! Time to get back to work and change the page again. How can I make it better? Well, My Amber pages just won the "Good Stuff Award" from AmberDiceless! What is the Good Stuff Award, you ask? The Good Stuff Award is presented to sites which have been recommended to AmberDiceless, which demonstrate the basic principles of good web design, and which offer useful or interesting Amber-related content for the online ADRPG community. So, I am proudly displaying my Award in various places. Many thanks to AmberDiceless for the honor, and I hope to see the Webmaster in March at Ambercon! 2) Added some links where I could and general maintenance.
December 17, 2001: 1) Added Steed as he would appear in a Top Secret RPG. Information provided from an article by Allen Hammack, developer and editor of Top Secret RPG. Includes statistics of other Cinematic Spies. 2) Added Westray.org to the Avengers WebRing. Updated links. 3) Added more pictures of Sheridan.
November 30, 2001: 1) Added page for "The Tick". Added link to the "Wayback Machine", a neat new site for viewing old versions of web sites; you won't believe how much information they have on their site.
November 8, 2001: 1) Changed the main page. Added flag with link to an amazing site: www.military.com. Support our military's effort in this battle against terrorism across the globe.
October 30, 2001: 1) Corrected information in the Genealogy charts, which will be an ongoing project.
October 23, 2001: 1) Found some broken links and fixed them. Removed links to sites that couldn't be found. 2) Made contact with those I had links to and corrected many links and descriptions. I had a blast conversing with other web enthusiasts who are involved with Amber, Avengers, or Westrays. Regarding the Avengers, you MUST visit TheAvengers.tv! A comprehensive site that will keep you busy for hours.
October 11, 2001: 1) Not happy to leave things alone, my home page has a new look. Using drop down menus, my home page is on a single screen. Let me know what you think. I hope it is easier to use. I kept the old pages around as a comparison. Hover buttons and Bullets.
September 26, 2001: 1) I changed the look of the home page, using hover buttons. Let me know what you think. I hope the sounds are pleasant and not annoying. If you are experiencing difficulties with the hover buttons, you are like me when I first tried them. Download the current version of the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine. Most people didn't experience any problems, but my home PC was definitely being finicky. The problem was that Internet Explorer 6.0 doesn't provide Java Support and it was necessary to download the MJVM to support Java Scripts. So, if you upgrade to IE 6.0, save yourself a headache and download MJVM too. Special thanks to the Amber Diceless webmaster for assisting with a solution, when I couldn't find a solution anywhere else. The old page that used bullet items. 2) Added a ribbon and links to sites where we can help show our support to those affected by this horrible attack on our soil. Do what you can to help! Thank you! 3) Adding more pictures of Sheridan. 4) Setting up Avengers pages for Honor Blackman, Linda Thorson, Joanna Lumley, and Gareth Hunt. More content will be added soon.
September 6, 2001: 1) Added more Midi theme music in the Midi Page. 2) Added more pictures of Sheridan. 3) Added feedback confirmation page, since Tripod's confirmation page was not working properly. 4) Added Steed information from GURPS books in the Journal page. 5) Modified pages with music and sound effects so that they will no longer be played on Netscape, they were constantly repeating, instead of playing only once.
August 27, 2001: 1) It was time for a new look on the home page. Let me know what you think. 2) Added Site Maps to the main pages by the Categories: Westray, Amber, and Avengers. The main site map has a Java Script Hard drive browser added. Let me know what you think about the Java Scripts. 3) Accessibility issues are being slowly addressed. Adding text to various images to identify the content of the images. 4) Modified pages with music and sound effects so that they will be played by Netscape, like they currently play under Internet Explorer. 5) Added Java Scripts to roll the background in a few pages (like this one and the site map). Let me know what you think about the Java Scripts. 6) Added more links to the main pages.
August 9, 2001: 1) Loading Westray family charts. More to do later. These are rough charts with lots of missing information. If you have a chart that you would like loaded onto these pages, let me know. If you know of any corrections, let me know. Thanks! 2) Amber: Working on a new page, converting Steed and other Pattern masters (with API Teleport) into an AD&D or Palladium Specialized Wizard: Dimensionalist (School of Effect - Dimensional Magic).
August 1, 2001: 1) More cleanup of the pages and coding. Modified the remaining pages to utilize tables. Reduced the size of the revision notes text at the bottom of the pages. 2) Added more links and verified all links, removing those that no longer functioned. 3) Added amusing images and links to TheCorporation.
July 19, 2001: 1) I created a Site map to make it easier to find specific pages that may be of interest. This is something that is long over due, but I am still learning about web page design. I tried and gave up on the idea of a Table of Contents page after building one - it just didn't look right and I couldn't control the appearance of it. So I decided upon the site map instead. I assigned a category to each page. The site map lists the title of each page within each of the categories, and shows the date last updated. Since they were all updated by category, the date is relatively meaningless for now. 2) In the Midi page, all of the Midi theme music can now be downloaded in a ZIP file! 3) In Steed's Journal Page, all of the Steed's Journals (in Text format) can now be downloaded in a ZIP file!
July 13, 2001: 1) Edited HTML coding in various journals to clean them up a bit and make them quicker to load (and less clutter if downloaded). 2) To my sheer delight, I have been published! Steed's Tale: Duty, Honor, and Country was published in "Chaotic Longings", a fiction booklet for the June 2001 Courts of Chaos Convention. Wow! I wish I could have been there. This is fiction based upon Amber DRPG, the works of Roger Zelazny. Many sincere thanks to the Editors: Earl Bailey and Michelle Lynn Corbin!
June 15, 2001: 1) Added Westray Genealogy link to new site by John Westray in the U.K. Lots of good information and programs to download for Genealogy. 2) In my link page, I added weird sites that are fun to visit. 3) To my chagrin, I recently learned that the font I was using (Schadow Lt BT) is not displaying on those PCs that do not have it. This causes your PC to use your default font. As a result, I am switching to more common fonts that are easier to read and 'should' be on most PCs. I switched from (Schadow Lt BT) to three other fonts that should work (Trebuchet MS, Arial, and Verdana). Some PCs have none of the listed fonts and they will default to the PCs font. Thanks for your indulgence. If you have a suggestion for a common and 'easier to read' font, let me know. 4) I modified my Hyperlink colors so that it shows an Amber color all the time, instead of changing to blue when visited. The colors tend to clash and this will keep the colors consistent and hopefully more pleasing. 5) Items 3 and 4 took a considerable amount of time. I had to modify the FrontPage themes and the HTML coding in 'each' of the pages. It was quite a humbling learning experience and I had to re-think the presentation of my pages. I hope they are presentable. Thank you.
June 1, 2001: 1) Added Wave snippets in the Prisoner page. 2) Split out What's new? and Credits pages. 3) Added Movie Logic page.
May 24, 2001: 1) Added Amber Genealogy page, removing Elder page. 2) Added buttons and modified corresponding pages. 3) I included the size in 'k' of each Midi and Wav sound file.
May 18, 2001: 1) A Midi page was added for television and movie theme music. Some of them are used in pages. Some large WAV sound files were removed and replaced with quick and lean midi files. 2) An Avenger's Sound page was added, with theme music and sound effects (Midi and Wav files). 3) Reorganization time again! Many pages were taking too long to load. So for your convenience, over 130 pages were reviewed and redesigned to keep loading time at 90 seconds or less and the main page under 40 seconds. As a result, this page was designed to take the load off the main index page. 4) An Avengers Information page was added to provide cast, broadcast, and production information. 5) An Avengers Dream Cars page was added to provide information on the vehicles used in filming the Avengers. 6) Some of the general cleanup and reorganization of my pages involved adding more descriptive text in About Me and the main Amber and Avengers pages. It may explain more about the topics and why they are interesting to me. Included is my opinion (or rant) about the Warner Brothers Avengers movie (very old news), which I hope is more constructive and entertaining than critical. Your call.
May 9, 2001: 1) Ambercon 2001 sessions are found in Amber. The journals I am writing are undergoing continued updates and are published in Steed's journals. I am currently proofing It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Amber. Special bonus: Thanks to Carla Arnoldi, I am including Sylvie's Story, Sylvie's perspective of Or the World May Die. Next, I will be transcribing Blaze of Glory 6. 2) But before I begin BoG6, there's something I have to do first. I just received my own copy of "John Steed - An Authorized Biography: Volume One - Jealous in Honour" by Tim Heald (Copyright 1977). Bookbarn UK found a (slightly musty) copy in their warehouse and in a short time it was in my hands. I've been looking for it for a few years and I am absolutely delighted! There were even news clippings in it that were left by the prior owner. It was just like Christmas! I will do a page or so about the book - after I spend a LOT of time reading (and re-reading) it.
March 2, 2001: 1) The first backup on The Wayback Machine of my site occurred.
December 2000 - January 2001: 1) The debut of Westray.org! Hello World Wide Web!
...And now for the very important all-purpose disclaimer.
R. Cal Westray, Jr.